One Step At A Time

A classmate mentioned in a blog post this week that often they find it was overwhelming to look too far into the future as we go through this process. When I read that I had a huge sigh of relief and thought “Oh thank you for saying this! I am so glad I am not the only one!”

We are all trying to find a balance. Balancing school, home, family, work, etc. In itself, all of this alone can feel so overwhelming at times. I find that the way I have been coping with this is by looking at things only a week or two at a time. When I look at the big picture it becomes too overwhelming.

At the beginning of this school year I had a chance to attend some meetings at my placement schools where they were talking about the rigorous teacher evaluation system they were now implementing.  As I sat there I began to feel overwhelmed. It was all too much for me. Though it was valuable information to have, I am really not in a position to think about how I will be evaluated as a new teacher two years from now. I’m just trying to get through what needs to be done now. Right now I am trying to get my teaching certification. THEN I can worry about everything that will come after that. Right now I just need to take things in more bite sized chunks.

We also have a huge evaluation that we have to pass to receive our certification at the end of the program. I, like many others in my program , am feelings overwhelming and confused about everything we will need to do for this evaluation. Throw into this that I am 6 months pregnant and will not be doing this evaluation until next fall, and it all becomes too much.

Right now I am just keeping my head down and trudging along. Steadily forwards. Some of us do very well looking at the horizon and thinking about everything to come. For me though, the horizon feels so far away and the mountain to climb feels so very high. I know I will get them, but I need to just look down at my feet, focus on my steps, and trust that I will get there. One step at a time.

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2 Responses to One Step At A Time

  1. professorjvg says:

    You will get there :).
    We are weaving many small steps of prep for the assessments into your weekly work. We’ll do more next quarter. We’re just not talking about it a lot now because we want you to be thinking about being an excellent teacher, not focusing too much on one assessment. That experience is about showing that you can do the things you’re learning so well now. You will be fine!

  2. I just want you to know I believe in you!

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